Sunday, August 7, 2011

Being Jewish in 21st Century Australia- Before the Program

1.     Locate Palestine and Israel on a world map.

2.    List all the things you already know about Judaism.

They eat kosher food.
They only have the Old Testament.
They do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
They celebrate Hanukkah instead of Christmas.
Hanukkah lasts for eight days.

3.     Research the story of Abraham. Write a ½ page summary explaining the story, below.

Abraham lived in a land called Canaan. One day the lord came to him and asked him to leave Canaan and got to the land that he will be shown. The lord promised that it would be a great nation and that his name would be known. The lord said that he will also bless Abraham and make him a blessing.
Abraham packed up his things and he took his family with him to travel to this new land. The lord said to Abraham that he will give this land to his children. This confused Abraham because he did not have any children, but he trusted the lord and praised that day. Abraham’s wife could not have children so she asked her maid to have a child with Abraham. She had a son and his name was Ishmael. The lord promised that Abraham would become the father of many nations, he blessed Abraham and his wife Sarah with a son named Isaac. It was one of the best miracles God ever did! If the lord promises something, he will do it because nothing is too hard for God. 

4.     Approximately how many Jews are there in your country?

115, 000


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