Friday, July 29, 2011

Moses - The Simpsons

Moses wanted to escape from the Pharaoh and free his people from hard labour. The Lord said to Moses that the King was very stubborn and he deserved to be punished until he let the people go, so he started a set of 10 powerful plagues. Moses managed to find a way to get his people out of Egypt, the Lord parted the Red Sea and they crossed it. When the King and his army chased after them, the Red Sea closed in on them and Moses and his people got away. They wandered the desert for 40 years to their Promised Land Israel.
 “God then starts to speak directly to Moses. He tells Moses that He has heard the cries of His people in Egypt and that He is calling Moses out to be the one who will go in there and deliver them from their plight with the Egyptians.” God calls out to Moses
“When Moses and Aaron first approach the Pharaoh, they tell him that he is to let their people go so they can go into the wilderness to hold a feast with their God. The Pharaoh obviously refuses to even consider this first request, so God does His first miracle in front of the Pharaoh and his court.” Moses goes to Egypt
“They end up getting stuck before the Red Sea. They have nowhere else to go. They are literally at the end of their rope. If they try and move forward, they will drown in the Red Sea. If they try to move backwards, they will be caught by the Egyptian army that is moving in on them. The only thing that can save them now is a powerful miracle from God Himself.” Parting of the Red Sea

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