Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Variants in Judaism

What is a Variant?
Two or more people or things that have slight differences in opinions. The three major variants or streams in Judaism are Conservative, Orthodox and Reform (Liberal or progressive)


U  Strict, many rules
U  No driving on Saturdays
U  Women and men separated in Synagogue for prayer and rituals
U  Don’t accept the changes of reformed Jews
U  Orthodox Judaism is distinguished by its maintenance of the traditional forms of worship in the Hebrew language
U  Women do not participate in some of the rituals
U  Men and women sit together and participate fully in service, prayers and rituals
U  Strict dress and dietary law
U  Always worship in Hebrew
U  Believe Jewish laws can be changed
U  Women and men separated in Synagogue
U  Traditional beliefs but addressing contemporary needs.
U  Men and women sit together and participate fully in service, prayers and rituals
U  Allows people to live a contemporary life in Modern society
U  Allowed to marry other religions
U  Don’t believe the Torah was written by God and given on tablets of stone
U  Relaxed practice and fits in society
U  Individual praying and occasional conversation in service.
U  English used for part of service

U  Women can lead services and can become a rabbis

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