Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bar/ Bat Mitzvah

Name of the celebration. Did the name come from anywhere?
       Bar Mitzvah (Boy) or Bat Mitzvah (Girl)
       B’nai Mitzvah (Plural)
       The name means ‘son/daughter of commandment’.
       The word ‘bar’ means ‘son’ and the word ‘bat’ means ‘daughter’ in Hebrew.
       ‘Mitzvah’ is Hebrew for ‘commandment’.
Why do they celebrate it? What does it signify?
       When a child turns 13 (girls can celebrate it when they are 12), they are able to celebrate their B’nai Mitzvah.
       It is known as a ‘coming of age’ ceremony.
       It signifies how a boy or girl have become an adult and they become responsible for their decisions and actions.
When do they celebrate this? How often? How long does it last?
       B’nai Mitzvah is usually celebrated on Shabbat or on a Monday or Thursday morning service.
       It is only celebrated for one day and involves a service, then family and friends gather for a special meal afterwards.
       Some families delay for reasons such as availability of a Shabbat during which no other celebration has been scheduled.
Do they wear anything special?
       During the service, the child has to wear a special prayer shawl called a Tallis.
       For the celebrations they just wear nice formal clothes.
Do they eat anything special?
       After the service, a big feast is prepared for the celebrations afterwards. They eat a lot of traditional Jewish food.
       The range of food they eat is soups, breads and cakes, meats and fats, sweet and confections and some side dishes.
Do they have a service/ceremony? What happens in the service/ceremony?
       There is a special B’nai Mitzvah service/ ceremony in the Synagogue.
       During this time the boy/girl reads the Torah in Hebrew, before receiving a blessing from their father. This blessing means that their father is no longer responsible for the child’s sins.


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